Computer Vision

Computer Vision Treatment from an Optometrist or Eye Doctor Near You in Rockville Centre, NY

While computers and other digital devices offer incredible resolution today, our increased use now contributes to vision issues related to how and how long we use them. Computer vision syndrome is usually resolvable by making behavioral and ergonomic changes, while others need special eyewear or vision training to address the issues. If your eyes are strained due to digital use, and you live in or near Rockville Centre, NY, consider letting an Accent on Eyes optometrist or optician help you find a solution.

Computer Vision

Causes of Computer Vision Syndrome

Dry and tired eyes, blurred vision, and headaches are common complaints from those who use digital devices for long periods. Whether for work or pleasure or both, many people interact with digital screens for hours per day in ways that cause them to blink and refocus their eyes as often as they do when involved in other activities. Those with nearsightedness or dry eyes generally tend to be affected most. In addition to the discomfort, computer vision issues lead to some physical symptoms, lower quality work, and reduced enjoyment of digital devices during leisure time.

Managing and Treating Computer Vision Issues

A range of strategies help resolve computer vision issues. Most people gain relief through simple behavioral changes, though some need more significant changes, including acquiring new eyeglasses and interventions to gain relief.

Among the adjustments others find helpful are:

  • Blinking: Blinking is the core purpose of lubricating your eyes. Use mental or visual cues to remind yourself to blink more often and for longer.
  • Eye Drops. Over-the-counter eye drops or natural tears applied as needed help many.
  • 20-20-20 Rule. Avoid staring at the screen by viewing an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds at least every 20 minutes.
  • Environmental Changes: Reposition your computer screen slightly below and 25 to 30 inches from your eyes.
  • Computer Eyeglasses. Most do not optimize their prescription lenses for viewing objects at the distance of many computer screens. Lenses optimized for computer use are gaining popularity.
  • Vision therapy. Training and exercising the eyes with vision therapy relieves computer vision issues.

Get Optician Services, Optometrist Services, and Eye Exams from an Eye Doctor Near You

We at Accent on Eyes offer eye exams and can help you with computer vision or other eye care issues. If you want eye care services from an eye doctor near you and live in the Rockville Centre, NY, area, schedule an appointment. Call us at (516) 766-2800 for optician services, optometrist services, and eye exams from our team.


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9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
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9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 3:00 pm